Jackfruit Seed Thuvaiyal / பலாக்கொட்டை துவையல்

After eating the flesh of the jackfruit, make a delicious snack from the seeds!

Take a look at a video here if the visual is useful.

Jackfruit Seed Thuvaiyal

Prep Time 30 minutes
Servings 15 balls


  • Coconut Grater


  • 1 cup Grated Coconut (தேங்காய்ப்பூ)
  • 4 tsp Sugar (சீனி)
  • 1 cup Jackfruit Seeds (பலாக்கொட்டை)


  • Wash the jackfruit seeds
  • Place the seeds in a pressure cooker and submerge under water
  • Cook until the pressure cooker whistles 3 times
  • Peel the skin off the seeds
  • Chop the seeds in a food processor
  • Add grated coconut and blend
  • Add sugar and blend. Add more sugar as needed for taste
  • Roll the mixture into round balls to serve

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