Seeni Sambol / சீனி சம்பல்

Seeni sambol is a sweet and spicy breakfast item I grew up eating. You can eat it on a slice of bread, as a sandwich, or stuffed into a bun. You can also play around with the ingredients to make it as spicy and flavorful as you like.

Seeni Sambol

Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 10 minutes


  • 3 Large Red Onions (வெங்காயம்)
  • 2 Green Chili Peppers (மிளகாய்) Remove seeds to reduce spice
  • 1 tsp Salt (உப்பு)
  • 2 cups Water (தண்ணீர்)
  • 1 tsp Tamarind Extract (புளி)
  • 3 tsp Curry Powder (கறித்தூள்)
  • 2.5 tsp Sugar (சீனி)


  • Slice onions and chili peppers into thin pieces.
  • Cook onions and chili peppers on an oiled pan on medium heat. Keep mixing so the onions don't burn.
  • Once the onions are translucent, add salt and stir.
  • After a few minutes, add the tamarind extract and water and mix well.
  • Cover the pan with a lid and let the mixture cook to a light boil.
  • Once it begins to boil, add curry powder and mix well. Continue cooking the mixture on medium heat to allow the onions to caramelize.
  • Add sugar around 50 minutes in and mix well. Adjust salt, tamarind extract, and sugar as need. The seeni sambol should soon be ready to serve and enjoy!
  • You can add cinnamon, cardamom, and/or red chili peppers for more spice and flavor.

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