Orange Juice / தோடம்பழம் பானம்

Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

Why You Are Not Going to Regret Trying This Out

Freshly squeezed orange juice is perfect for those warm, sunny days. You can make it with a little bit of sugar – perfect for those of us with a sweet tooth 🙂

My first memory of really enjoying this drink was when my uncle made me go to a wedding last minute. It was my first time in Sri Lanka after moving as a kid, so I didn’t know the couple getting married or any of the guests. My brother and I were really bored, but everything changed when they served us freshly squeezed orange juice!

How to Prepare the Juice

There are many methods and equipment available to squeeze the orange. I prefer cutting the orange in half, squeezing it with my hand, and pressing a spoon against the pulp to get all the juice out. I got about 1/2 cup juice from a medium-sized orange. You can decide whether you want to add the pulp into the drink as well.

Outside of being fresh, the dilution with water gives the juice a different flavor than the typical orange juice purchased from a store. I personally don’t like a strong orange taste, so this works well for me. You can make a similar drink using lemons instead and it’s also amazing! I’ll plan to post that in the future!

Freshly Squeezed Orange Juice

Prep Time 10 minutes
Servings 2 glasses


  • 3 Oranges (தோடம்பழம்)
  • cup Water (தண்ணீர்)
  • 4-6 tsp Sugar (சீனி)


  • Squeeze the oranges and pour ¾ cup fresh orange juice into each glass
  • Add ¾ cup water and 2-3 tsp sugar into each glass
  • Mix the sugar in well and enjoy!

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